Corruption of champions all text
Corruption of champions all text

corruption of champions all text

List of Best Games Like Corruption of Champions Corruption of Champions is nonetheless part of a class of games that delivers on that promise. Most players, however, don’t expect a fascinating fantasy tale when they spend hours playing this game.

corruption of champions all text

The corruption of champions, an erotic fantasy game, isn’t what most people would call creative. However, this game’s logo, which features the silhouettes of two curvaceous characters, gives the impression that it isn’t particularly intellectual. It’s easy to see why Corruption of Champions appeals to its core audience. If Corruption of Champions is one of your favorites, you should try some of the Cool Games like Corruption of Champions to continue your gaming streak. You can never take a gamer out yourself even if you try your best. It’s a no-brainer why the world has shifted anime, erotic, and fantasy games. If formula changed it should be adjusted to not dorp below 80% res at around 80 armor, probably bad idea(maybe not) to use it for armor below 80 because curve is steep for low values.Technology is evolving, and so is our approach to playing games. This may be too much and can be nerfed, for example If armor>80 then dmgRes=armor/(armor+mod)įor example - armor/(armor+20) will result in: Armor past 80 almost useless maybe add diminishing something, like: Sort SetRace alphabetically (sandtrap in caps also) Add wrath spent per multihit in stat page Change sprites on who Patchouli lead you to Suc.dream is gone? Maybe Lumi lab need expansion. Human with v.glands have no poison/poison regen (fixed itself after reboot on one save but stays on other) Scorpion stinger on goblin - text gone full bold and stay that way (this was fixed some time ago) Dagger attack sometimes have no text, only dmg numbers

Corruption of champions all text